Opération Caïman
Mission Design - 2018
Opération Caïman is a series of Arma III missions in Multiplayer Campaign mode (1 to 4 Players).
The players will need to retrieve a vehicle filled with military equipment from an enemy base and bring it back to camp. They must complete the mission at night using discretion. To do so, they will have access to the appropriate equipment purchased from Manitou (Kouame Yacouba).
Depending on each player's role, they will need to develop an infiltration tactic to successfully achieve their objectives.
Documentation Design
Design System LD
Level Build
Arma III Editor Scripting.
Production Time
1 month and 1 week.
Tool & Soft
Arma III Level Editor.
Focus of the project
Write a scenario, a script, characters, imagining their own story and psychology affected by their past.
Use the Arma III editor to program (scripting) and create level design and builds using predefined maps.
Cooperative multiplayer game.